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How to

Claim your reserved email

Visit Mailio registration page Registration

Enter your reserved email (username). Claim button appears if the email was reserved prior to Public beta release.

email alias

Enter your password used to reserve the email alias.

email password

If you've forgotten the password you've used to reserver the mailio email click on the Mailio Password Reset Page or click here: Forgot password

Otherwise click Claim Now.

Read how to securely backup your Mailio Emergency Kit


Don't lose your Mailio Emergency Kit. We don't store your passwords or private keys so restoring an account is impossible. Follow the backup instructions for your Emergency Kit.

Change your password

Once you're registered you may want to change your Smart Key password time to time. Smart Key is a part of Mailio Emergency Kit package.

For changing your password you'll need:

  1. Mailio Emergency Kit
  2. Unzip the kit into a folder on your computer
  3. Locate and open the file ending with .pdf (named something like

The PDF document contains 24 backup words sometimes refered to them as mnemonics.

Visit the Mailio recovery page:

Enter your 24 words as they appear in the PDF document and click Next.

A popup will appear where you'll enter your email alias and choose a new password.

Change password

After completing the form click on Download SmartKey. Make sure your email alias matches the Smart Key.

Please wait

Please give it a moment until your new Smart Key is created. A cryptographic function may take a bit longer depending on your computer.

Download SmartKey button will change to Finish button after which Mailio installs your new SmartKey into a browser storage and redirects you to your Inbox.

Restore forgotten password

The process of restoring a forgotten password is the same as changing your password. Please follow the instructions for how to Change your password